
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Origin of Vaastu

 Vaastu is a component of Vedas and believed to be thousands years old. Vedas considered being divine knowledge. The art of Vastu originated in the Stapatya Veda, a division of the Atharva Veda. Indian yogis of that period earned the answers to vaastu principles via meditation and study of vaastu. 

The Vaastu means 'abode' that means domiciling places of god and man. According to modern terms, it covers all buildings regardless of their use like residential flats and row houses, industries, business houses, lodges, hotel etc.

Vaastu based on the five basic and vital elements, such as Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jal (water), Bhumi (earth) and Aakasha (space), which are known as Panchabhutas. Earth made up from these elements. This brilliant technical subject was restricted only with architects (Sthapatis) and handed over to their heirs. The principles of construction and architecture, as spoken in the epics and writing on developing temple structure have included in the science of vaastu.

The knowledge of vaastu shastra from different ancient shastras passed down from generation to generation. The shastras found from Vishvakarma Prakash, Samraangan Sutradhar, Kashyap Shilpshastra, Vrihad Sanhita, and Praman Manjaree.

The construction of house against the principles of Vaastu shastra makes the house ominous. Necessity of correct delineation of directions correctly described in our ancient scriptures:

 Prasade Sadane alinde dware kunde visheshtah;
Dik moodhe kulnashah syatasmatsa shodhay eddishah.

Translation means that it is necessary to determine the directions correctly while constructing a temple, palace, house, gates, porch, pond etc. in proper direction.

 Therefore, as per ancient scriptures of Vaastu Shastra, structure always should construct after proper checking of the directions.

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