
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Channel of cosmic power

 The puranas and other mythology books describing Great Cosmic Power, spirit into demonstration says that in the Beginning only the Sun (as the Creator of the Universe) was the master of the sky. He was worshipped and adored by all beings. The sages (rishis) begged the mighty Sun (Surya) to create more worlds and offered him soma, a sacred plant (or the divine nectar) as sacrifice.

Then Surya used his power in order to manifest the worlds (lokas or bhuvanas). This Supreme Energy thus assumed a shape of its own as the splendid manifestation of the Great Cosmic Power Bhuvaneshwari, Governess of all worlds or Mistress of the three worlds or in other words, the earth or the physical dimension, the atmosphere or the astral dimension and the sky or the heavenly dimension. It is also said that this form of the Supreme Energy, Shakti was not manifested until the moment of creation.

Other writings speak of Lokas (the worlds) as the divisions of the universe representing the delicate worlds corresponding to the consciousness level of the beings inhabiting them. Generally here we are talking about a division into three fundamental worlds, Triloka, or the Sky, the Earth and the Infernal world or in other words the Divine, the Intermediary and the Inferior world. 

Another classifying mentions the seven higher worlds: Bhur Loka – the Earth; Bhuvar Loka – the space between the Earth and the Sun, the realm of the sages; Svar Loka –Indra’s sky; Mahar Loka – the realm of the great saints; Jnana Loka – country of Brahma’s sons; Tatar Loka – residence of the Vairaja class (Vira-s) and Satya Loka or Brahma Loka –Brahma’s residence that once reached generates liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Seven inferior worlds correspond to these seven higher worlds called Patala. 

Samhita and Vedanta philosophical schools also mention eight Loka or higher and inferior regions: 1. Brahma Loka, the world of the supreme gods; 2. Pitri Loka, the realm of the sages; 3. Soma Loka, the realm of the world and planets; 4. Indra Loka, the world of the inferior deities; 5. Gandharva Loka, the realm of the celestial spirits; 6. Rakshasa Loka, the relam of raksha-s; 7. Zaksha Loka, Zaksha’s realm; 8. Pisacha Loka, the realm of demons and devils.

The cosmic power of a living being which keeps on flowing in the form of craving and lust is to be preserved inside the internal discipline of living being. Like the interior subtlest nature, the cosmic power is to be thrown back into the internal discipline and stopped for moving towards unconscious mind and sense organs of the living being. 

There after the power is to be fully awakened in the internal discipline. The force of craving and lust of unconscious mind is to be pulled up in the coil of one’s own internal discipline. The discharge and dissemination of cosmic power is to be stopped.

In the beginning of the Universe there was only “Word”. A universal cycle of existence begins with a divine utterance of a word, an idea brought forth by different religions, for instance, for the Hindus this creative word was AUM; for the Greeks a Logos and so on. A word is composed of letters; and each letter, in the cosmological type of symbolism, stands for a particular cosmic power. 

Astrology can be considered as an expression of such an ancient tradition, for the birth-chart of an individual is the sacred name, the "word in the beginning," the individual mantra of this individual born at a particular time and a particular place on the globe. These sounds correspond to certain positions of the Moon in the 360-degree Zodiac. There are 108 different Vedic Sounds (4 per star). Usually, if the person's birth date is unknown, then this method of determining the transit influences is used.  

The power of creation and procreation acquire strength of cosmic power. Brahmacharya is atonement with the power of creation and procreation. It is the state where any can seek and find and know the absolute illumined Truth of anything upon which they wish to focus their attention. 

It is the space where divine Unconditional Love for all divine souls and all life ever created by God is part of the natural ambiance.  And it is the space in which the divine Cosmic Power of God, the All That Is, is available for those in Oneness to create Peace, Truth, Love, Harmony, Abundance, and Perfection here on Earth.

A disciple of meditation is to avoid circulated of power of creation and procreation in order to promote power of strength of cosmic power. He is to be connubial to chastity in thought, word and deed. A disciple of meditation is enjoyed upon to preserve chastity through the practice and cultivation of various yogic exercises and disciplines. 

The cultivation and disciplining of the virtue of power of creation and procreation augments, enhances and promotes strength of cosmic power. The keeping and maintenance of character like that of the chastity, equivalent to the practice of power of creation and procreation.

At the moment of a child’s first breath, the basic rhythm of his total organism — blood circulation, breathing, and probably some sort of rhythm of nerve electricity (prana in Sanskrit) is set by some mysterious power, the creative power that emanates from the entire solar system. 

The birth-chart remains as a fundamental name, throughout the life cycle as an unchanging formula which represents the true individuality of this particular human being. The birth-chart is a word of which the planets are the letters. It may be said to be the resonance of the newborn organism to the powerful vibrations of the cosmic word and the acceptance by this organism of its particular place and function in the universe. 

The positions of the planets (Sun and Moon included) change constantly and continuously throughout the life of the individual human being, and these changes will have a finite impact upon his development. In every moment in time, a different arrangement of all matter takes place in the universe; and that arrangement is never repeated again ever, simply because time never wait for anyone.

Cosmologies cover many of the same concerns also addressed by religious cosmology and philosophical cosmology, such as the origin, purpose, and destiny of the universe and of consciousness and the nature of existence. For this reason it is sometimes difficult to distinguish where religion or philosophy end and esotericism or occultism begins. However, mysterious cosmology is distinguished from religion in its more sophisticated construction and reliance on intellectual understanding rather than faith, and from philosophy in its emphasis on techniques of psycho-spiritual transformation.

Examples of mysterious cosmologies can be found in Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Tantra (especially Kashmir Shaivism), Kabbalah, Sufism, the teachings of Jacob Boehme, The Urantia Book, the Sant Mat/Surat Shabda Yoga tradition, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, The Cosmic Tradition of Max Theon and his wife, Max Heindel (The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception), elements of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, Meher Baba, the Fourth Way propounded by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, PaGaian Cosmology and many current New Age teachings.

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