
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Vaastu and tension free living

Vaastu is a new way of living to create a pleasant, healthy living space be it housing, commercial, industrial or educational premises. Vaastu concentrate on space, ventilation, light, colors and energy flows. As a result, physical health gets better. Vaastu produces the emotion of well being, unlocks tension, and creates a tension free nourishing atmosphere by balancing elements and cosmic forces. 

Vaastu also supports the desire to live honestly and encourages spiritual urges. A few of the benefits of Vaastu are sound sleep, peace of mind, feeling full of energy, healthy and positive frame of mind and increased creativity.

The most astonishing fact is that even though being in science age people are still attracted towards Vaastu Shastra, and this shows its importance. It will not be wrong to say that with the passing time its reputation will grow. Satirically, Vaastu Shastra has evolved as a collection of planning principles for a healthy living that based on the knowledge base of the time. 

Vaastu Shastra equated with principles of Yoga as they both work on flow of energy. To attain the happiness, peace and wealth, one must follow the principles of Vaastu.

Geographical location of a region involves the environment and so the Vaastu principles. Some countries like – Japan, USA, and UK etc are much advanced, developed and prosperous while others are backward or in developing stage. Why is it so? For example – The land of Japan is on the North – East direction of the Earth, which is believed as most favorable direction according to Vaastu Shastra.

The Eastern face of Japan is widespread way - stretch and open. Therefore, Japan gets full advantage of rays of the Sun. This is the main reason that country like Japan is rich and affluent.

Country like India has Himalayan range from North to Northeast side, the placement is against the Vaastu Shastra principles, and thus there is lots of poverty in India. Three side of India's land is covered with water and that's southwest, southeast side, and this position makes it vulnerable to face the attacks from foreign empires. One thing that makes India famous is that slope is towards east side, which is a very favorable and auspicious sign.

Within India, question arise that why is so that the Tirupati Balaji Temple is famous worldwide and other temples situated in the same regions are not as famous as Tirupati Balaji. The main reason behind this is Vaastu Shastra – perfect construction on proper land. Tirupati Balaji is famous because it is build according to principles of Vaastu Shastra.

Vaastu is a practical science. Over the 5000 years, based on the information in the Vedas, repeated studies on a number of buildings, offices, temples, houses, and apartments have shown a positive connection between the function of Vaastu principles and success from Vedic periods to modern times. It can broadly apply to various man-made landmasses, temples, factories, homes, office buildings and corporate headquarters.

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