
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Moon sign and its effects on us

 Moon is officially in charge of the element, water and rules over the tides of the sea/ocean. Moon is the ruler of the plants and vegetable kingdom. The Moon symbolizes the mind and accordingly, it indicates a person's thinking, feelings, health, emotional self, person’s inner self, instincts, habits, and automatic reactions and other mental processes. It gives spontaneous nature, youth, love of poetry, music, taste, attractive looks and sensuality. Its influence makes one moody, emotional and sensitive.

The connection between the Moon and living being has been since pre-historic times. Therefore, the Moon was and still is the focus of many people in various cultures across the globe, but in particular among poets and writers as they found it romantic piece or symbol of love, which looked at it and wrote about what they saw, what they felt and what they imagined. The Moon is the ruler of the sign Cancer. It is most powerful, or glorious, in Taurus, and fallen or incapacitated in Scorpio. Jupiter, Sun and Mars are the Moon's natural friends.

The power of the Moon has the most instantaneous effect because it changes signs so frequently. The Moon magnetizes a different astrological sign’s energy field every two and a half days. This means that it travels through all of the 12 signs of the zodiac during its lunar cycle. Think about the sign of people Sun was in at the time of their birth. This means that if the person inherited the attitudes of Taurus when he/she were born, when Sun was in the sign of Taurus.

Since signs are attitudes, person has the tendency to be efficient, organized, seek perfection, and like to be of service. Each month, when the Moon passes through Taurus, it will energize Taurus tendencies. Taurus, nit-picking attitudes will be very strong during the Moon's two and a half day journey through the sign of Taurus. This means that everyone with specific manners is stimulated by the Moon at some time during each month. Throughout the month the moon goes through different phases, all of which can be determined by looking into the sky on a clear night. The important thing to keep in mind as far as fish and fishing is concerned is when there is a full and/or new moon. Fish are much more active during these two phases of the moon, sounds exciting.

The moon plays an important role in astrology and astrological phenomena. The position and phase of the moon influences the other aspects of astrology, including sun signs and planetary movements. In fact, the moon influences other aspects of astrology as a whole. For centuries the full moon can affect people's consciousness and behavior. Many people may feel wakeful at night with energy streaming through their body for the three days before full moon.

Each of the planets, and the sun and moon, has an influence on people feelings, emotions and consciousness. The moon affects emotions because the moon influences water; just as the moon causes the tides, it exerts a pull on the watery components of body, and person feel this as emotions as the body is made up of 70% to 80% of water. In India, people give much importance to Moon sign over the Sun sign, in fact, a Vedic astrologer or "Jyotisha" in India can tell what Moon sign natives are born under often from their first name alone! In Vedic astrology the zodiac is divided into 27 different moon nakshatras or constellations instead of the 12 divisions we have in western astrology. Since each nakshatra is ruled by a different deity (god or goddess) many parents in India name their children after the deity associated with their child's moon sign!

Moon is beneficial to those born in ascending moon cycle and unfortunate to those born in descending moon sign. A strong Moon in the chart will indicate a happy mental state, good mother, opportunities for travel over water and success in businesses. A powerful Moon gives emotional strength, makes for good relations and love for others. However, if the Moon is weak in the chart, it leads to mental apprehension, emotional instability and an inability to relate well to others. This makes one unfriendly and unable to share intimacy, or takes away contentment or peace of mind. The individual becomes moody with an unclear mind.

Depending on how severely afflicted it is, there may be a tendency towards neurosis, hysteria or insanity. It also indicates ill health of the mother, or difficulties in social advancement. It represents interaction with the public, or public businesses, water, liquids and the tides of the sea, over which it rules. The Moon also possesses dominance over the waters and liquids within person bodies.

The Moon is also responsible for growth, fertility and conception. It influences childbirth and memory. Moon sign do affect health: Physically an afflicted, debilitated, or otherwise ill-disposed Moon may indicate anemia, lack of body fluids or body weight, constipation and dryness of the skin. It can cause colds, fevers, bronchitis, intestinal problems, or even susceptibility to cancer. Organs, such as the lungs and kidneys may also be weak and there may be menstrual or infertility problems in women.

In the birth chart, the Moon and its aspects reveal a great deal about personal patterns with food and weight, the information that can help to get better handle on the issue. For each of the twelve Moon signs, people will explore common eating patterns: what are the real eating about, may be affecting people’s eating habit, and, if people need to cut back, what else would prove satisfying. If people already have birth chart, can identify people’s Moon sign. The Moon signs in astrology will help to give another look into people’s life. People should follow the signs in astrology so can also follow others Moon sign horoscope to know what is coming up for them.

The Moon is said to have three faces, the crescent represents a young woman, and the full moon represents the mother and the dark moon the witch. All witch craft is practiced during the dark moon (amavasya) phase, mainly during the winters. In India, Diwali is the night when black magic is at its powerful best. Epilepsy, madness and emotional instability are most pronounced during the full moon. The full moon is also worshiped for its powers to restore fertility in crops and in the drought times water was offered to the moon.

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