
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Vastu Shastra for the elderly: 8 tips to help them

 Harmonizing Homes: 8 Vastu Shastra Tips for the Elderly

Creating a nurturing environment for the elderly can make all the difference in their quality of life. Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, offers timeless wisdom to enhance serenity and well-being. Let’s explore eight Vastu tips that can transform living spaces for our elder loved ones into safe and supportive havens.

1. The Best Direction for Bedrooms

When it comes to bedrooms, which direction matters most? Ideally, the bedroom for the elderly should face the south or west. This orientation promotes better sleep and relaxation. Imagine lying in bed, feeling the gentle warmth of the sun in the morning, which can uplift the mood and invigorate the spirit.

2. Declutter for Clarity

What’s clutter doing in a home? It can create confusion and anxiety. For the elderly, a tidy space isn’t just visually appealing; it’s essential for safety. Remove unnecessary items and keep pathways clear. Think of clutter as fog; clearing it opens up a bright, clear path to comfort and ease.

3. Brightening Up with Natural Light

Everyone loves a bit of sunshine. Ample natural light not only brightens mood but also boosts vitamin D levels. Position furniture to allow sunlight to flow in. Large windows or light-colored curtains can work wonders. Just picture sipping morning tea bathed in golden sunlight—pure bliss!

4. Colors that Calm

Colors have deep psychological impacts. Soft, soothing colors like light blues, greens, or pastel shades evoke peace and tranquility. Avoid overly bright or harsh colors that can cause discomfort. Choose a color palette that feels like a gentle hug, enveloping our elderly loved ones in warmth and comfort.

5. Create a Safe Space

Safety should never take a back seat, especially for the elderly. Ensure that furniture is arranged without sharp corners and that rugs are secured to prevent slips. Visualize a cozy haven where movement is free and secure, making everyday life feel effortless and safe.

6. The Power of Plants

Nature has a magical way of healing. Incorporating indoor plants can purify the air and create a refreshing atmosphere. Choose low-maintenance plants like snake plants or peace lilies. They’re like little guardians, promoting both health and happiness in the home.

7. Avoid Mirrors in the Bedroom

Mirrors can be tricky in bedrooms, especially for the elderly. They can create confusion and disrupt sleep. It’s best to position mirrors outside the bedroom to foster a peaceful space. Think of it as removing distractions, allowing restful nights and serene mornings.

8. Create a Family Corner

Connection is vital. Designate a family corner filled with photos and memories. This space can serve as a reminder of love and support. Imagine a cozy chair surrounded by cherished photographs—each one telling a story, filling the room with warmth and joy.


By incorporating these Vastu Shastra tips, we can create a space that not only looks good but also feels good for the elderly. A harmonious home fosters peace, safety, and happiness, ensuring our loved ones thrive in their golden years. As we embrace these changes, let’s remember that a nurturing environment is one of the greatest gifts we can offer.

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